Just being nominated is a great honour. By nominating someone you are letting them know just how much their efforts are valued and ensuring they are recognised for their outstanding contributions.

Employees: Must submit nominations via the online nomination form. (link to nominations page) Paper nomination forms from employees will not be considered eligible.

Residents, Clients, Families and Volunteers: Can complete their nomination online or via the paper nomination form.

Nominations close Wednesday 4 September 2024. Late nominations will not be accepted.

How to nominate

Here are some tips to guide you in submitting a good nomination:

  1. Identify an employee, team or volunteer you would like to nominate.
  2. Review the award categories and criteria (link to award categories page) to choose the relevant award category to nominate.
  3. Ensure you address the award criteria in why you are nominating this person by providing detailed examples of their work, contributions and achievements. Refer to examples of detailed nominations below. (link to examples below)
  4. Where possible include supporting documentation such as photos, examples, positive feedback etc., which address and provide further evidence of the award criteria being met.
  5. Submit your nomination by Wednesday 4 September 2024.

To ensure your nomination is eligible:

  • Use correct spelling of everyone’s names
  • Include the nominee’s Home, site or office details
  • Include the nominee’s job role at their Home/site/office
  • Include an email address for at least one person
  • Choose only one award category for your nomination. Only one award category per nomination is allowed
  • No self-nominations (except for Initiative or Innovation of the Year award)
  • An individual, team, project, Home, site or service can be nominated for more than one category but requires a separate nomination per category.

To support your nomination tell us the nominee’s story (i.e. what they have done, provide examples, testimonials and feedback), explaining how they:

  • Provide quality service and support to residents/clients, families or colleagues
  • Work to enhance the quality of life for residents/clients
  • Demonstrate empathy, kindness and respect towards others
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues and contribute to a positive work environment
  • Lead, coach or mentors others
  • Demonstrate the Regis values of Optimism, Respect, Passion and Integrity in everything they do

Here are two examples of detailed nominations:

EXAMPLE 1: Nomination for Outstanding Carer

On a daily basis X ensures that the residents in her care receive the very best care. She is only too willing to spend the extra time with them to ensure that all their needs are met. If a resident has a concern then X addresses that concern with other staff, the RN or the family if necessary. X has a deep empathy and understanding for the residents. X takes great care with the appearance and grooming of the residents to ensure they look their best. All the residents in her care speak very highly of her. X has a very positive outlook and passes that optimism on to the residents. X ensures that the dining experience is a happy and enjoyable one by singing and laughing with the residents.

X is often called on the train new staff and she is a great mentor. X communicates well with teaching new employees all aspects of the role as a carer. X is well respected and highly regarded by her peers and been awarded Employee of the Month at the Home. X has great time management skills. If required to work on different floors throughout the Home X does it with confidence and treats the residents on those floors with respect and dignity and the same level of passion that she gives to her regular residents.

EXAMPLE 2: Nomination for Outstanding Leadership

W works to an extremely high standard and with her extremely positive attitude she encourages staff to strive for their best. W is approachable and will always make time for staff from all departments along with residents and their families. W is committed to ensuring the safety of staff and residents.

W can turn to OM and reception helping and assisting new staff in both these roles. she truly goes above and beyond for her residents, staff and families. She also keeps staff morale high by having staff raffles, pizza lunches and ongoing encouragement. It is a pleasure to call her my boss.

For any queries please email regiscareawards@regis.com.au